XTC Framework includes a new feature for Joomla Templates known as regions. Each group of modules is placed in a Region wrapper that allows for custom Vertical layout of module positions. Our Region controller will also allow you to turn areas of the website on or off just by remove the region area from the list!

DesignWerks includes 6 Regions that can be adjusted from the XTC Framework template administration panel.

Regions can also be controlled from the fronted of your Template by adding a custom url code to your menu path: regioncfg=1,2,3,4,5,6

View Region Layout

Ant Expertos consideran que la obra solucionaría el problema del caos en la ciudad si es que se acompaña

Av. Primavera No. 643 Of. 502
Urb. Chacarilla Del Estanque San Borja.

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